February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

daily word - stories

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard entertaining sermons? Is this the kind that you prefer? Do you offer judgment toward those who give them, thinking that they should be serious about spiritual things? Don’t be too hard on them. I gave entertaining sermons myself. I told stories to get my points across. These were accessible at multiple levels. You understand them as illustrations of the Kingdom of God. Did the original audience understand them this way? Some truth is too profound to present as a list of assertions. Do you look for redemptive purpose in the stories you hear? Seek and you shall find. 

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daily word - value

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you rank people according to their value? How do you assign it? Those with a lot of money are highly admired, but perhaps you can look beyond this and other outward displays of wealth, and look at character. Do you rank people according to the fruit of the Spirit that you see expressed in their lives? Perhaps this is a better measure of evaluation, but perhaps not. It still requires you to enter into judgment and assign rankings accordingly. You hold the sanctity of life as a doctrine on the basis that all people are created in my image.

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daily word - small scale

Dale Cresap's picture

My word gives instruction on being reconciled with your brother. You are to go to him rather than to others, and to resolve the difference on the smallest possible scale; not escalating the matter unless your brother will not hear you. Is there a still smaller scale than just the two of you? It wouldn’t seem possible, but what if the offense between you is the result of unhealed wounds within yourself? This is common enough that I told you to remove the beam from your own eye before you assisted your brother in removing the speck from his eye.

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daily word - gentlemen

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of all men referred to as gentlemen, as in the phrase, ladies and gentlemen? This is a polite form of address, but have you found that not all men are gentle? Is gentleness even admired as a masculine trait? It should be at least in the sense of not being threatening to women and children. How much beyond that? Is your concept of masculinity formed by your culture or by universal enduring principles? Can you conceive of a masculinity that is gentle and at the same time strong, courageous, and fearless? If you are a man, can you practice it?

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daily word - holding on

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you hold on to me for all you are worth? Do you know that I am the source of your life and cling to me as tightly as you can? Do you evaluate the success of your spiritual life by the intensity with which you do this? Can you imagine letting go? What do you think would happen? Do you know that I hold you more tightly than you hold on to me? Will you ever know that you are held until you quit grasping and clutching? Is there a way you can approach this question without diminishing your own commitment?

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daily word - meaning

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you lead a meaningful life? Is there any deeper human longing than a life that makes sense, that gives value to suffering, that attaches your efforts to something transcendent and enduring? Where will you find meaning? Is this something that you can inherit from your family or your church? Can it be real if it doesn’t fit with your own lived experience? Have you ever had new experiences that were too big to incorporate into your existing structure of meaning? Did this present as a crisis of meaning? Did you see this in a positive or negative light?

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daily word - walk alone

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever feel like you are the only one on your faith journey? In a sense you are, for every person has a unique path. Yet I will provide you with the traveling companions you need. How many do you need? Do you find it reassuring to be in a large crowd, to be marching with a multitude? There is comfort in sheer numbers, but you know that truth is not determined by the majority, and strait and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it. If you know that you are on the right path for you, it may be necessary for you to walk it alone at times.

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daily word - absolutes

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you base your life on theological absolutes? Do you find that this makes it easier or harder to find common ground with others? Consider me. Do you think that my doctrinal positions were correct? Have you noticed how many times I reached out to, and even commended, those who were outside of my own faith? There was a Centurion, a Samaritan woman at the well, and I told a story about a good Samaritan, among others. Doctrinal differences did not prevent me from connecting with, and sharing my message of life with anyone. You could make that one of your theological absolutes. 

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daily word - human and divine

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see me as divine? This is an essential doctrine of your faith. Do you also see me as human? Isn’t this as much a doctrine of your faith as my divinity? Do you find it easier to think of me as divine than as both divine and human? How could I be both at once? The early church went through a long struggle to arrive at this position, and it isn’t easy to hold. If you are already convinced of my divinity, in what ways do you see me expressing my humanity? Since you don’t question your own humanity, do you think that you are in a position to follow me in my own expressions?

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daily word - what you want

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to get what you want? This question seems simplistic and obvious. Who would want otherwise? Yet do you know people who always get what they want? The term for this is spoiled, and it can apply to adults just as much as to children. Sometimes not getting what you want can be better for you. It decentralizes your selfishness and provides opportunities to look beyond your own interests. Do you admire people who are unselfish more than those who are selfish? Do you want to be one? What price are you willing to pay?

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